General Information
Where can we find school athletic information for 7th & 8th graders?
*Go to the Athletics tab of the Grizzell webpage and find the REGISTRATION button (along the left side). This link will take you to OHSAA athletic physical forms (for physicians to fill out), Final Forms information, and pay-to-participate information using PaySchools Central.
*Attendance, Absences & Same Day Athletic Participation: A student must attend at least 1/2 day in order to compete in their same day athletic contest. This means a student-athlete must attend the morning session of school until 11:45am or be in school no later than 11:45am and complete the remainder of the school day to be eligible for that day's competition event. Students must be in school at least four periods to be considered eligible to participate.
How do I come watch a game?
*For football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, and lacrosse games, ALL individual game tickets are $6/adult & $5/student and purchased ONLINE through the "GMS Event Tickets" link on the GMS Athletics webpage OR with cash. All Senior Citizens (aged 60+) and pre-schoolers are FREE. GMS Family athletic passes are also available for $98 and can be purchased on the event tickets link as well. These passes are a HUGE savings and value for families attending games throughout the entire school year and are recognized at EVERY Dublin City Schools MIDDLE SCHOOL event!
*Any adjustments to game schedules will TRY TO BE made by 2:30pm on game day via the coach, Final Forms, your Team App, and Twitter @GMSCeltics